iPod Touch and iPad for Presentations - A Learning Experience

ipodtouchipadYesterday I saw a friends post on Facebook, that she had finally acquired all the need pieces and software to use her iPod touch and iPad to do a presentation at the Family History Center in Franklin, MA.

She was going to the American-Canadian Genealogy Society (ACGS) in Manchester, NH to give it a test run on one of the projectors there. I already had plans to stop up there for a while so I left to make sure I would meet her during her test.

I am by every stretch of the imagination a techie and I always was, as my family can attest, but I have been having a hard time deciding whether an iPad or iPhone is practical for me. I have been searching for anyone and everyone to show me a good enough reason to get one. My laptop goes almost everywhere I go, and the cell phone I have had for the last 10 years does great... IT MAKES PHONE CALLS!

After seeing the iPad and iPod Touch interact with each other so well for making a presentation with Keynote, I MAY be finally convinced of its potential. The iPad was connected to the projector and the iPod Touch was used as a remote control. It was amazing to watch them in action. I was able to see a few other amazing little things that the iPad would do.

It was kind of ironic that yesterday the new iPad was announced by Apple. Now, lets see if my geeky desires can be met by my pocketbook!