By Tim Firkowski on Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Category: French-Canadian Genealogy

Croisetière Name Variations

Book by: Gaston CroisetiereIn genealogy research we almost always find surname changes that happen over the years. Most of these name changes are minor or are anglicised. French Canadian research often gives us more problems than we bargained for with their "dit" names, but "dit" name discussion is another topic for another time.

Researchers must be aware that there are changes in surnames over time, and in the example of the surname "Crozetière", we discover that it has developed into a huge amount of variations over time that are not related to "dit" names or to anglicisation, except maybe for the removal of diacriticals from the French alphabet. The surname "Crozetière" has evolved over time into some of those you see below. There may be many more, but these are just the ones that I have encountered in my Great Grandmothers line.

Name changes are not specific to French Canadian ancestry and will be found within all nationalities. You may have to learn about the naming processes for your nationality in order to be more effective in your research.

Crozetière Croisettière Croizetier Croizetière Crozètterre Croshere
Croshier Croser Crochetier Crochier Crouzetière De la  Croizetière
Chrochetier Crochaire Crochetière Crochière Crochier Crochierre
Crosthière Croisetière Croisiquière Croisiquierre Crostiere Crozatier
Crochetiere Crochiere Croisatiere Croisetiere Croizetiere Croisetire
Croschere Croysettiere Crozetiere

Some other versions of the surname you may encounter are:

Crozet  Crouzet Croizet  Croizette Cruisette Crozette Crozett
Cruiset Crossier Crozzet Croizett Crozier Crouzettes Cruisettes
Crozettes Crousett  Crousette Croiset Croisette Crusier Cruisette
Crozzier Croizzet  Crouzzet  Crozzette  Crozzettes
Trying to find your ancestors is not always as simple as following a Surname. You must keep an open mind and allow yourself to accept the possibility that a surname has changed over time, especially in the case of a Brick Wall. 
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