Old Number Six Book Depot is not far from the center of Henniker, NH. It boasts having one of New England's largest collection of reading material. You will believe their claim to 165,000 volumes the moment you walk in. It is wall-to-wall & floor-to-ceiling books and literature, with narrow walkways between shelves with some isles having books on the floor as there is no room on the shelf. The pleasant pungent odor of old paper fills your nostrils as you walk around. Everything is very well organized & the owner, Ian Morrison knows where everything is.
The second book is a little more interesting. It is titled Origins of Prussianism and was published in 1942. The original version was titled Das deutsche Ordensland Preussen and published in 1862. It was originally written by Heinrich von Treitschke and later translated by Eden and Cedar Paul. I found the preface to be quite interesting as its content is referenced in time by "the present war" - meaning WWII. The perspective of the reference caught me off guard for a moment.
I guess you never know what you will find in an old book store. A goldmine of text just waiting to be discovered. These are books that you will never find available for iPads and eReaders. In my opinion, there is nothing better than holding that book in your hand.