Saturday, February 22, 2025



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What is a Good Website Host?

bh 180x150 04I have seen this question asked a number of times now on forums "What is a good host for a website?" I thought maybe now was a good time to post a blog about my host.

There a multitude of options you have for a host to build your website, but I have used Bluehost since they opened their doors and have never been disappointed. I can not say enough about their customer support. Bluehost has won numerous awards over the years especially because of their customer support. Buehost's normal pricing is very reasonable $6.95 / month and they have a ton of tools included to build a website and are adding features all the time. Some of those tools include Joomla, Drupal, Simple Scripts, Wordpress, Weebly & MANY, MANY MORE (Check the site to see everything they offer). They also include 1 domain name, so there is no need to purchase this as an extra. Right now they have a special offer for new accounts.... Only $4.95 per month.  If you have been thinking about creating your own website, now would be the time to get this great pricing.

If you would like a personal website or a site for business, but do not want to build it yourself, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we can discuss your needs.

Sherlock's Latest Blog Post

 T he long awaited day has arrived. The series of books that are guides to researching docments in other languages is complete. For awhile now, the translation guide books for Polish, Latin & Russ...
