Thursday, February 13, 2025



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Who is my Biological Grandfather - Naval Clues

320px-Manitowoc-submarinesThis is the third in a series of Brick Wall posts about my Biological Grandfather (William D. Bond). You are invited to read the first and second parts.

I contacted the County courthouse in Manitowoc, WI in hopes I may find the paperwork dealing with the childsupport case for my mother, but was informed that those records were not required to be kept any longer. Those records would have been destroyed years ago. I had no idea who the lawyer was that handled the case for my grandmother, so any hopes of acquiring information that way was out of the question (if any of those records would have survived). I would also like to note that if I can find Naval records for William D. Bond, I may find financial records that will show he had to pay child support and of course will be a key link in confirming him as my biological grandfather. 

With very little information to work with in finding my biological grandfather (William D. Bond), my only option appeared to be to any information dealing with the Navy. I noted that if William was in the Navy, then he probably would have had to have something to do with submarines. The Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company located in Manitowoc, WI was the only military operation going on in that area and they were building submarines. William could have been stationed on one of the new submarines that were being built or he could have been part of a support team. Another possibility is that maybe he was on a vessel that came in for repairs. If he was stationed on one of these new submarines he would be listed on the crew for its maiden voyage and I could find this information from the Navy. Years ago I looked on the internet to see if I could find out what submarines where being built at the time William would have been stationed in the Manitowoc area and I found nothing. A few years later I searched the internet again and viola, I found something. I found a detailed list of the submarines that were built by the Manitowoc company during WWII. I concentrated on those vessels that were nearing completion at the time William would have met my grandmother, which would have been in about mid 1943. Here is the list of the new submarines that William may have been associated with while he was in Manitowoc.

Before I knew the middle initial of William Bond, I had looked for him on the Fold3 website, but there were many William Bonds listed. After I found out his middle initial, I looked on Fold3 again, but did not find anything. The years passed and last year before Thanksgiving, I looked again and voila I found some information for a person named William D. Bond who was in the Navy and was stationed on submarines during WWII. There is a lesson here... If you looked for a piece of information years ago, and you still have not found that information, it is VERY important that you look again & again especially in the case of a brick wall. Although there are many digitized documents available on the internet, those digitized documents are only a drop in the bucket of historical documents available in various repositories. Every day new documents are being digitized and are made available. It is almost impossible to be able to keep up on what new documents are being made available.

Follow me in future Blog posts about my search for my biological grandfather as I report the search process I took and the results of the search.

Sherlock's Latest Blog Post

 T he long awaited day has arrived. The series of books that are guides to researching docments in other languages is complete. For awhile now, the translation guide books for Polish, Latin & Russ...
