Research from Końskie Area Churches

The first stop was at Św. Mikołaja (St. Nicholas) church in Końskie. Many of the family come from the area of Rogów which is just outside of Końskie, but Rogów did not have a church at that time, but we decided to stop to see the church that now is there. We were curious if the priest knew of any family that still lived there, but he did not recognize the name. The church

Next stop was in Gowarczów to see śś. Piotra i Pawła (Saints Peter and Paul) church. The cemetery was not in view from the church, so we asked someone where it was. Just a short walk away we took a quick walk through the cemetery to look for family graves, but in our short visit we did not see any. My next visit I would like to be prepared & take more time for a thorough search.
After visiting the church in Gowarczów we went to Białaczów to see św. Jana Chrzciciela (St. John the Baptist) church which was originally built in the 13th century, but we encountered the cemetery first. A quick look around allowed us to locate a number of family graves. Driving into Białaczów, we thought we would quickly see where the church was but were unable to find it and had to ask someone. The church did not have a very high steeple.