Thursday, March 06, 2025



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At the "Cukiernia" in Toruń

DSC05186Cakes & Tortes in the Cukiernia (Bakery)We were up and about a little earlier this morning as we needed to go to the bakery to pick up a cake for the 50th Wedding
Anniversary for the first cousin of my father later in the afternoon. In Poland the name for a bakery that makes cakes, tortes, pasteries & such, is called "Cukiernia" (Tsu kee air nee a). If you like sweets, this is the place for you & if you like sweets, but should not eat them.... Sorry you just are out of luck because your eyes will tell your brain "JUST BUY IT!". So don't try to fight it and just give in and buy yourself a treat! You will not regret it! Everything is delicious!

As we walked through Old Town in Toruń, I was enjoying the view of the sun through the streets and buildings early in the day. Because it was Sunday not every store was open yet, there were not many people out and about and it was very quiet in the streets. As I live out in the woods, it is quite different for me to wake up in town & not only in town, but one that is so full of history. Archaeologists have found evidence of settlements near Toruń going back to about 1100 BC. but the Teutonic knights built the first fort in about 1200 AD. Toruń is one of the oldest cities in Poland. Copernicus was born in Toruń in 1473.
DSC05152Near the old castle moatDSC05154Monument to the Puppet theatre in TorunDSC05158Part of the Old Town wallDSC05163Old Town street sceneDSC05168I love these old lampsDSC05173The church in old townDSC05182Copernicus MonumentDSC05193Streets in Torun old town have stones in the streets with town shields from around PolandDSC05199I love the architectureDSC05201Another beautiful lamp

Sherlock's Latest Blog Post

 T he long awaited day has arrived. The series of books that are guides to researching docments in other languages is complete. For awhile now, the translation guide books for Polish, Latin & Russ...
