Monday, March 10, 2025



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War Memorial To Stefania Józefa Firkowska

stefania-firkowska-felek-2Some Firkowski family members attend the memorial for Stefania Firkowska.A number of years ago in 2009, I received a VERY interesting email. The email involved one of my distant relatives in Poland.The email has been translated from Polish, but I have included the original Polish version. They researched for 3 years and found nothing, and then found our family research on our website. I had never imagined that all the research that Łukasz Firkowski and I had done on our family over the years, would contribute to the documenting of history in Poland.

On 27 September, in the town of Skotniki on the Pilica river, The Eaglets Army Association intends to place a memorial plaque at a ceremony dedicated to Stefania Firkowska. After 3 years of research we had failed to locate her relatives in the area or any other family members despite researching in parish books.

It was not until we found this information about the Stefania and her immediate family on your family tree. We also are looking for any contact information for the closest relatives of Ms Stefania Firkowska.

If this information reaches any family of Stefania Firkowska or any other interested parties, you are cordially invited to the ceremony on September 27th in the town of Skotniki on the Pilica. E-mail to the organizer (Eaglets Army Association in Kielce) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

stefania-firkowska-felek-95Stefania FirkowskaInformation about Ms. Stefania: Stefania Józefa FIRKOWSKA AKA "Feluś" Armed Forces-Army soldier from the unit captain. Joseph WYRWY "old"; 25 ppAK Liaison Commander. Major. Rudolf Majewski, "Lesniak". Just before Easter in 1946 she was abducted by officers of the Skotnikach PUBP Konskie. The body was never found .

Stefania Józefa Firkowska, AKA "Feluś", "Felek" was born the 20th of September 1925 in the city of Końskie, Poland to Jan & Marianna. She was one of 9 children born to Jan & Marianna. During the German occupation of Poland, she served in a branch of the National Armed Forces, which was part of the 25th Infantry Regiment. After the war she remained in the underground and was a member of Polish Anti-Communist Underground Army- National Armed Forces-Home Army. She was a liaison officer in 25th Home Army Infantry Regiment. Her commanding officer Major Rudolf Majewski described her as: "A young dark-haired with a snub nose and a little mischievous look on her face. You could really send her anywhere or on any mission. She could speak in such a manner that nobody would object. Her commands were always carried out". She was abducted just before Easter of 1946 in Skotniki by Communist Security Agents of Końskie and then murdered by them. She was only 21 years old. Her body was never found. Many of her siblings died during the war, also fighting in the underground army. Some of the men she commanded that survived, looked back with fond memories and respect for Stefania and her leadership.

There is so much more to the story of Stefania Firkowska, but it is only written in Polish. If you understand Polish and would like to read more and see some photos, you can click here for more information. A big thanks to Orlęta Armii Krajowej for keeping her memory alive. 


W dniu 27 września w m. Skotniki nad Pilicą Stowarzyszenie Orląt Armii Krajowej zamierza umieścić uroczyście tablicę pamiątkową poświęconą Stefanii Firkowskiej. Od 3 lat nie udało im się ustalić jej krewnych w tej okolicy ani też żadnych innych członków rodziny mimo wertowania ksiąg parafialnych.

Dopiero w naszym drzewie znaleźli informację o pani Stefanii i jej najbliższej Rodzinie. Ale ja również nie posiadam informacji teleadresowych do najbliższych potomków p. Stefanii Firkowskiej.

Jeżeli informacja ta dotrze do bliższej lub dalszej Rodziny pani Stefanii Firkowskiej lub innych osób zainteresowanych to serdecznie zapraszają na uroczystość w dn. 27 września w m. Skotniki nad Pilicą. Adres mailowy do organizatora (Stowarzyszenie Orląt Armii Krajowej w
Kielcach): This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Informacja o Pani Stefanii:
Stefania Józefa FIRKOWSKA ps. Feluś
Żołnierz NSZ-AK z oddziału kpt. Józefa WYRWY „Starego",
Łączniczka dowódcy 25 ppAK. mjr. Rudolfa Majewskiego „Leśniaka"
Tuż przed Wielkanocą 1946 roku uprowadzona w Skotnikach
przez funkcjonariuszy PUBP Końskie.
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