Monday, March 10, 2025



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Valentine's Day in Poland

poland 640Valentine's Day is coming soon and some may wonder if Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14th in Poland like it is here in the US. If you would have asked that same question 25 years ago, then the answer would be no, but in the post-communist era of Poland in the 1990's, Valentine's Day has been adopted by Poles. In Poland it is called "Walentynki".

Today you will find that it is as popular a holiday in Poland as any other country that celebrates it. You will find it is celebrated in much the same way as we celebrate it here in the US, with cards, chocolates, perfume, flowers, lingerie, heart themed gifts, romantic dinners and/or getaways.

Some towns may decorate their market square & hold special activities like fireworks. Some Poles may make a special trip to the city of Chełmno. It is within a local church that there are relics of Saint Valentine who is the patron saint of lovers.

Although not as popular as Valentine's Day, there are two other days which have romantic traditions attached to them. Noc Kupały ( A Slavic holiday) and Noc Świętojańska (a christian holiday) are celebrated together. This holiday was a rite of fertility and today is more a magical night of romance. Men try to capture the attention of the single ladies in the village. Courting was a day to day event under the watchful eye of the elders. Various holidays throughout the year have traditions that promote the courting between the sexes.

There is another day in Poland that gives women attention. Women's Day was created by the communists in 1948 to celebrate women and their contribution to the economy. This day which is celebrated on March 8th became a part of the Polish culture and is still celebrated as a national holiday and in many places around the world as International Women's Day. Women of all ages may receive gifts such as flowers, chocolates or small gifts. Giving greeting cards is slowly working into the celebration tradition of this holiday. Although not popular in the US, this holiday as has been adopted by the International community.

Women are lucky to have these days to have the men cater to them... Lucky women... Poor men! Men do not have their own special day in Poland. I think this should change and that during this special day for Men... women should shower us with lots of electronic toys and sports memorabilia!

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