Tuesday, March 11, 2025



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Three Brushes with Death

Toruń to Bydgoszcz

DSC05601Brama Mostowa (Bridge Gate) ToruńWe were up bright and early this morning to first go to the airport in Bydgoszcz & pick up my rental car. I do not like to be driving right after arriving in Poland because jetlag makes you so tired & it is not really safe to be driving.

Once I am driving I will not have the opportunity to take photos as when I am a passenger, so managed to get a few more photos driving to Bydgoszcz. Leaving Toruń, I was able to get some photos of the wall of Toruń old town running along the Wisła River. Toruń was spared any serious damage during WWII and you can see buildings as they were originally constructed. Although there were settlements from 1100 BC, it did not become an official city until about 1231 when the Teutonic Knights arrived.

The rental company did not have the smaller car I had ordered so they upgraded me for the original price. I was given a Toyota Avensis & the paint makes it difficult ot decide exactly what color it looks like. I call it a dark green, but viewed in different light it seems to change color. Nobody seems to agree on its color.

DSC05600Old Town wallDSC05602Torun did not get damaged during WWIIDSC05604Unique architecture for a churchIMG 2445My Toyota Avensis for my travels in Poland

Sherlock's Latest Blog Post

 T he long awaited day has arrived. The series of books that are guides to researching docments in other languages is complete. For awhile now, the translation guide books for Polish, Latin & Russ...
