Friday, March 14, 2025



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Three Brushes with Death

Leaving Dąbrowa Górnicza to Maków Podhalanski

DSC06445Mountain View from the Home I stayed at.My time with Łukasz Firkowski & his family has come to an end and before I left, I was once again treated to some good food. There is a chance I will be able to see Łukasz one more time, but that has yet to be determined as the plans for my visits are in flux due to the research I need to do.

My next stop is in Maków Podhalanski where I will be doing some client research in the church there. Hotels were really booked up because today is a three day holiday weekend in Poland, but I managed to find a place that has rooms for tourists in a town nearby called Sucha Góra. It will only be a short ride into Maków Podhalanski.

The drive took about 2 1/2 hours, it would have been less, but I met up with some traffic for those returning from their three day weekend. I was met with some gorgeous views of the mountains as I made my way through the small town roads. My genealogist friend Aleksandra was in the area doing some client research and had some free time so she came ot meet with me and give me a hand for a short time. It was nice to see her again. After a short walk around the area, it was time to get something to eat and hit the hay as the next day would be intensive day of research.

DSC06442Good Food before I leave Dąbrowa GórniczaDSC06446Taking a walk in Sucha GóraDSC06448DSC06454DSC06465A small creek along the winding backroads of Sucha GóraDSC06466 

Sherlock's Latest Blog Post

 T he long awaited day has arrived. The series of books that are guides to researching docments in other languages is complete. For awhile now, the translation guide books for Polish, Latin & Russ...
