Monday, March 17, 2025



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Three Brushes with Death

Pope John Paul II Center in Kraków

DSC07900Right near the Devine Mercy Sanctuary is Pope John Paul II Center. Just a short scenic walk along a paved trail takes you to the Center for Pope John Paul II.

The main church is filled with very ornate tile mosaics of various religious scenes. If you only go to see these beautiful works of art, it is worth the short walk from the sanctuary.

There is a lower church where there is simple marble altar in the middle of an octagonal room that contains a vial with the relic of the blood of Saint John Paul II displayed in a glass case.

In the lower part of the church there is a shrine that has carvings made from the salt from the Wieliczka salt mines.

There also is a memorial room to Saint John Paul II which contains the cover stone from his grave in the Vatican from when he died as Pope. His body was relocated after he was canonized as a Saint & his coverstone was given to the center.

DSC07898DSC07902DSC07905Beautiful Tile Murals everywhereDSC07910Lots of people admiring the artworkDSC07911DSC07924Mural made from Wieliczka saltDSC07932DSC07935Pope John Paul II cover stone from the Vatican after he was canonized a Saint.

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