Three Brushes with Death
Camaldolese Abby in Bielany

This is an active community of monks & men are allowed in to the this monastery complex anytime during designated hourly times. Women however are only allowed in 12 times a year on particular relegious holidays. You must be dressed appropriately with no shorts even for men. Women are not allowed to wear revealing clothing. At the time I was waiting to go in, there were some other men, but were not allowed in due to there in appropriate attire. Gosia new she would not be allowed in and waited on the bench outside.
After entering the main doors, I was allowed 5 minutes to look around and take some photo within the courtyard only. This is not a high traffic tour spot, so these photos are of a place not seen by many. I was able to complete my 5 year quest to learn more about this complex I saw from the airplane.