Thursday, March 27, 2025



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Are you curious about your Family History and want to know more, but just don't have the ability or time to do the research yourself? Would you like to discover what interesting things might have happened to your Ancestors?

How much do you know about your ancestors? Were they pioneers, entrepreneurs, immigrants looking for a better life or just for religious freedom? What challenges did they face, what was their day-to-day life like? Do you know what motivated them to come to America?

Do you look like your ancestors? What characteristics or traits have you inherited from your ancestors? And what can they teach you about yourself and about your own life patterns and choices?

These are some of the questions that encourage us to gain more knowledge about our ancestors. Are there additional questions that have motivated you to explore your family history?

If you are curious about who your ancestors are and what places and events shaped their lives, then you have come to the right place. Genealogy research can help you learn about your family's unique history, traditions, origins, and how those things led to your life.

Allow The Genealogy Assistant be your guide on a voyage into the past. The Genealogy Assistant offers a number of genealogical and historical research services that can be tailored to meet your needs to can help you in the search for your ancestors. For us the reward is in the journey, whether we are researching your ancestors or our own.

Review - Avery Printable Tabs

51WBZQgqYLKeeping organized during your genealogical research process is a must. When I started my personal genealogy research, I was not very organized and it bit me in the ass later on. There are still aspects of my personal research that I must go back and fix. I have many binders and spiral notebooks that I use for client research and just keeping my office organized. I have used tabbed dividers quite often for binders, but have not had that ability for smaller spiral notebooks. I searched online for a solution & came upon some printable tabs made by Avery & they turned out to be EXACTLY what I was looking for. I would highly recommend these to help you with organizing your research. It is much better to organize your genealogy research when you start than to have to try and do it later.

The labels are laid out on a standard 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper and are made of a thin but strong plastic. The tabs have two printable sides... one for each side of the tab. After printing you just fold over the tab so it sticks to itself. The part that sticks to the page is made of a self adhesive that has the ability to be removed and repositioned as needed, but is strong enough to stay in place during its use as you flip through pages that have the tabs on them.

The printable tabs are available in two sizes - 1 1/4" & 1 3/4". I chose the larger as it was going to work better for my needs. If color is not your thing, they do have plain white available. The plain white ones may work for you if you want to create the colored backgrounds you want for your tabs.

Avery has some downloadable templates for you to use & I chose to download the WORD version. As it turned out the template was a joke and I could not get my text laid out like I wanted so I created my own template in WORD. It is not that difficult to make your own label template if you, but I had to use some tricks to get it like I wanted.
Avery does also have a service that will allow you to design & print what you want right from their website, but for reasons of my own, I did not use that service, so you do have this option.

Avery has only one color combination for their set of printable tabs & although nice, it would be great to have a more colorful selection. Despite the strange colors available, the printable tabs did a fantastic job of helping me access the pages in my small notebook. I bought mine at $7.71 for a package of 80 (20 tabs / sheet) I saw today they have them priced for $6.42 for the same size.

I have included a photo of one of the spiral notebooks that I used these printable tabs on.

IMG 3831a

Sherlock's Latest Blog Post

 T he long awaited day has arrived. The series of books that are guides to researching docments in other languages is complete. For awhile now, the translation guide books for Polish, Latin & Russ...

Polish Language Blog

27 March 2025

Language and Culture of the Polish-Speaking World
